
I Was In Denial

It’s funny how I entered the homeschool world with the mindset of denial, that my two kids would possibly learn differently, and I would have to work harder. I had that mindset because I wanted the journey to be easier. (God certainly burst this momma’s bubble.) We can’assume, and confine our kids to being like us, neither each other, just because they share our genes.
How quickly God changed my perspective! I use to think, “It will be harder to work with two kids that learn opposite ways; surely they can learn the same!” We had ALOT of stress because of my mindset of denial.
Now I’ve learned that if I forced Kenzie to learn like Gentry, nothing but disaster and misery would ensue. Ohhhh, how I now love teaching her different than Gentry, because she is learning better, and enjoying her style of learning method. She must have her blocks to do math. She needs to SEE them, not just see numbers, (not every lesson),but with a new concept she needs manipulatives.
History, she needs a picture to pull her into the story and then she wants to taste food, and create something with clay from that time period. I thought it would be so consuming, and it is , but a good consuming, and you don’t realize time going by because your lost in creating while learning.
How silly I was to think I was going to control our homeschool and DO IT my way. lol
No no no, listen to your babes. If you listen to what they talk about, you will quickly learn what works. Kenzie is always saying, ” I want to make a recipe, I want to make a craft from history, and I need a picture!” She is like me, I like seeing  history  come alive through a photo, and not just reading it. We want to use our  five senses to feel as though we are there. (We love museums!) Of course we do, because it is all visual.
It’s only been three years, and I can’t believe how much I have learned, cried, fretted, and prayed harder than ever before. It has drawn me closer to my kids, my God, and drawn me close to some wonderful homeschool mommas just like me. I’m blessed to have obeyed to follow Christ, calling me this route, and on this crazy and fulfilling journey.
I have been so blessed to have several moms share materials, give advice, and see that their is a special camaraderie among homeschoolers like that of the military. I have gleaned and learned so much that I don’t want to ever yield to doing things my way ever again. There is freedom in listening to the hearts of our children, and not being in denial, while confining them to a one size fits all learning method. How unfair is that? Very unfair! Listen, tune in, and let them help guide your ideas without denial to help them succeed.

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